Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My future Job

I would like to work for any government institution,  but with children. For example in a OPD (office for the protection of rights), or PPC (community preventive program), but preferaly in SENAME with children violated of right. I would like to work in office and also field, in different communes of Chile, for to know the reality of chilean children. I would prefer to travel a lot, for the different regions of the country.
Actually I study psichology in fourth year, so I need to think in my specialization. Always I liked community psichology, but with kids, and form the perspective of right.
This topic is very important, because the children of our country have long been forgotten, also have been silenced and violated. Then I feel in the obligated to help, firts, because the children are the most precious, and because the psichology should respond to this. For this reason I would like to work with children, with the community, for the better you condition.
In the next year I will do the graduate community psychology, for to acquire more theory about, and I would like to do practice in a OPD, hopefully in the "La Vicotoria", because I know this population, and the people that live there are wonderfull, I know I can do great things with them.



  1. I would also like my work with children, although in educational psychology :)
    que necesita muy poco para terminar, mucho éxito en todo lo que comes ;)

  2. I'm surprised for the courage, what you need to work for the rights of the children. Good luck choosing the speciality!

  3. I would also like work in an institution for I can do intervention.
