Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I have been in English one , English two, English three and now, in English four, then I have much experience in this topic jajaja. My experience of English class in the University, was good. In the first place, teachers, are simpathetic, friendly and very understanding, for this reasons the English class are bearable, because this class, always are in bad time, are lengthy, generally a friday, then, after a hard week, is very difficult that this class funny. It is therefore my recommendation is to create new schedule, to create schedule more adaptable. 
The activity in my opinion, are varied, include listening, include to write in a blog, and include to speack with different classmate. Especially the use of blog in my opinion, is very useful, because you can learn words, vocabulary, and English grammar, also the topic the blog are very interesting, for example, free time, favorite sport or food, or music, and important topic, for example environment and future job. 

My experience was good, because I feel that I learned, maybe not both, because I am realistic, lack agreement and time, but my progress is good, because I am using the word in English in different context, principally in conversation with my boyfriend, also I read the adversiting in English, but most have improved is writing through the use of blog. Also I used the English translation of articles for other classes, for example in neuropsychology. For this reason I think that English in the university is very important, to learn more,   I though it was very difficult to learn English, is important and necessary. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The 2014 has been a great year, because I have had different opportuny for grow as a person, principally in the university. 

In this year I have had many posibility to be happy, and for that I thank to life, as Violeta Parra. 

In the firt place my family has been healthy, my mother in this year began making sport, and both have carefully feeding.  Also my brother has had many and good job. 
I thinking in my situation, I believe that in the university I did well, also in plane sport, managed to reach my goals. In this moment I am very happy because is the find of 2014, and I thin that I learn many in the university principally about the favourite topic, for example, childhood, public policy and violations. 

In fact in the next year I began do my practice and memory about chilhood, and othe new good is that I am participate of investigation in the university, for this I am feeling very important, because I think that in one form or another I am contributing to my country, especially children.

Respect the my relationship and my friend, I fell full of love, because I have been very good with my boyfriend, we have traveled together, and in this moment we have many dream and proyect for the futur. Also I have know different person, who are now my friend, especially in the gym.  It has entered new and beautiful people in my life, so I thank God. However the bad, is that I had feel dejected in different moment this year, but are things of life. 

I have a great challenge, "English", really for me English is very difficult, and I need to pass, because for me is a challenge, and I need to pass for carry on with goal, and I must continue my aspirations in sport. But the life full of challenge and opportunities. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My favorite sport is athletics.

Athletics is a sport of competition, that can be practiced individually or in groups, They are a set of tests that reflect the natural movement of the humans that has always made. For example,  running or jumping.
The test that more I like,  is the speed race, because I think I'm good at doing that, also I have leg strength, and mainly because I love to feel the wind in my face. For me, runnig is synonymous of liberty. Actually I'm not currently doing athletics, only I go to gym, but when they are ready for university  tracks, I will practice athletics. 

Since chilhood  I liked to watch the athletics championships on TV, and still I like. I like the race four for hundred, and the race hundred meter plane. Also I like teams united states and jamaica, in fact my favorite athlete is Allyson Felix, because is a specialist in speed, and was olympic champion in Londres 2012, in the test of 200 meter. 

I like this sport, because is easy, anyone can run or jog, also you not need much things for practice, only sneakers, then is a cheap sport,  do not need a special space, you can practice athletics in the street, in a stadium, in a park, in different places. For me is a universal sport. 

Independent of the sport, the most important is to do sport, because is a good form to prevent diseases, and also because,  reduces stress and anxiety. 


I think that people lear about practices principally in the school, because it is the first approach of caring for nature. according to my experience, because it was at the school where I first heard about these topic. For example, I remember when I had to look for one week at a vean, I I had to look after it, add water and put it in the sun. Also I remember that I Iearned  to make compost. For these reasons I think that people learn in the school about environment.

Really I have not incorporate the recycling in my life, what more do is sort products, for example when there are dumpsters for cardboard, there made ​​milk cartons, but nothing more.
The truth is I've always preferred walking or running, before riding in a car or minibus, this fact I like I like roller blading in the street, I think that good form to help the world.
I never I have never supported an organization of this type, because  I've never taken seriously this issue. However I would like to  work with children, this topic, but I have to learn me more, for to do more.

I think we lack information in santiago, because when we informed and see the reality of the environment, we will do more to improve our quality of life, maybe a good idea, environmental workshops. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

In this photo "Tía Alicia" co founder population Victory and creator of the popular education in this population.

I went to a popular school, wich  is located in "The Victoria", in the commune Pedro Aguirre Cerda. In this place, there were children and adolescents, also there were chilean children and haitian children. There were two popular educators, Katy and Veronica. 
In this place the victoria children learn different things, for example, history of community, they make cooking workshops, mandala workshops, reiki workshops, silkscreen workshops, and reading workshops. And the friday all children plays sport.
I had to help in the different activities, and should teach things in the activities, for example in the cooking workschops, teach fractions, the simple form, deliver fuctionally to the activity, a activity that we do every day such as cooking. However the most important of these instances was to contain children, listen to the problem and talk to them. 
The principal problems was access, because I was for way, and other difficulty was approach to children, to be someone unknown to them, but was a matter of time, because after we create strong bonds. 
The best was the relationchips with the children, principally with de haitian children, even remember, and with fondly. Also I had every good working relationship with my colleagues, I learned a lot from them. 

In conclution this experience was the best, I learned, and I think I have become a better person. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My future Job

I would like to work for any government institution,  but with children. For example in a OPD (office for the protection of rights), or PPC (community preventive program), but preferaly in SENAME with children violated of right. I would like to work in office and also field, in different communes of Chile, for to know the reality of chilean children. I would prefer to travel a lot, for the different regions of the country.
Actually I study psichology in fourth year, so I need to think in my specialization. Always I liked community psichology, but with kids, and form the perspective of right.
This topic is very important, because the children of our country have long been forgotten, also have been silenced and violated. Then I feel in the obligated to help, firts, because the children are the most precious, and because the psichology should respond to this. For this reason I would like to work with children, with the community, for the better you condition.
In the next year I will do the graduate community psychology, for to acquire more theory about, and I would like to do practice in a OPD, hopefully in the "La Vicotoria", because I know this population, and the people that live there are wonderfull, I know I can do great things with them.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

For psychology "cultural shock" is when a person suffer diferent psychological symptoms, por example anxiety, when this person is for a long time in other place, with other culture, different than their own. All humans have a identity which is built through experience, through cultural interaction. When you are in a different place to usual, your identity is in danger. Where everything they knew about themselves suddenly to be living in a totally different from his social context, with so many different features that were, or were accustomed to live and that makes them lose the sense of place of themselves until to this question: I do not know who I am?

Really,  I have not a cultural shock, however was a  moment in my life where I felt different, I felt that not fit in this place. This ocurred when I went a the march for diversity in Santiago, for firt time I felt minority.
In a moment  I wanted to escape, because the discomfort was much, the looks were rare, and I felt and understandood is to be a different in a place everyone is equal. I important to live these feeling, fo be more empathetic and understanding. 

At first moment I wnted to be personal trainer, but my family not wanted, however this profession is still a dream for me. In this moment I study psychology for the "cupo equidad", is a great oportunity. I prefer psychology because, principally for the fieldwork, where I met many reality, many person, diferent person, and many place that made me feel important, and that I should do something for people.My carrer is very interesting because to study “ser humano” su forma de pensar y actuar. The topic important in psychology for me is,  violation of rights, in the infancy. Many children in our country are violated, and they suffer, and I want work with they, and help, principally in the population, because I am interesed the popular education, I think that this is good suport for the childrens, altogether with sport. This is related to communitary psychology, And Why university of Chile? Because is a university with prestige, is diverse and values diversity, teachers are understanding, the staff are friendly. In conlusion I think  that choose well.

Friday, September 12, 2014

In this time I will speak about my holidays. Generally I do not usually go on holidays, however 2010 I went with my parents to Bahía Inglesa. This is a beach located in the third region of Chile, "Atacama".

Bahía Inglesa seems caribbean, because it has white and soft  sand, and its waters are crystal. In this ocassion I went with my parents, we stayed is a house, near the beach . restaurants and shops. Every day we went to beach, but we were five days, because this beach is expensive. Then I went to "Tongoy", located in the fourth region of "Coquimbo", in this place are the best seafood, especially the best "locos". The patties of seafood with cheese are delicious, I think I ate every day. When I was in Tongoy, I went to go different places, Serena, Coquimbo, Valle del Elqui, Andacollo and Vicuña, to know these places in company of my parents was something unforgettable, because we met beautiful places, we taste delicious foods, we shared family, and the best...we forget Santiago, we rest. 
After meeting these beautiful places, I want to continue touring the north of my country, I want to meet Antofagasta, Arica and Iquique. principally by the weather, and for the peaple, they are warm and welcoming. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

At first moment I did wanted to be personal trainer, but my family not wanted, however this profession is still a dream for me. In this moment I study psychology for the "cupo equidad", is a great oportunity. I prefer psychology because, principally for the fieldwork, where I met many reality, many person, diferent person, and many place that made me feel important, and that I should do something for people.My carrer is very interesting because to study “ser humano” su forma de pensar y actuar. The topic important in psychology for me is,  violation of rights, in the infancy. Many children in our country are violated, and they suffer, and I want work with they, and help, principally in the population, because I am interesed the popular education, I think that this is good suport for the childrens, altogether with sport. This is related to communitary psychology, which my fauvorite subject.

And Why university of Chile? Because is a university with prestige, is diverse and values diversity, teachers are understanding, the staff are friendly. In conlusion I think  that choose well.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

  I would like to live in Venezuela. Really I like every country of Latin America, because they are diferent,  Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador,  have other form of see "the life". The state is guarantor, and respect the cultural variety, for example: native culture. As well, I like the latin america culture, the fiestivity, the foods, the different religions, the landscape and the happiness of people, and hospitality. 
I would like to work in Venezuela, because "the community" have many courage, value, the community takes care of its problems, other problems, and social problems, and as I like community psychology, Venezuela can be a great opportunity, also the great exponent the community psychology is venezuelan (Maritza Montero). 
If it is true Venezuela, currently have many politic problems, and much violence, is something that is in all countries, and is a recurring theme of latin america, and knowing these problems, I assume. However I think that  Venezuela is more than all of its economic and political problems, is a great and beautiful country. 

Friday, June 27, 2014


 Is very dificult for my to write in English, but to have a blogs it was very entertainig, because I can write about many topic, principally about sport, that is my favorite topic. For example I spoke the psychological benefist. Then to have blogs was good experience. In my opinion to have blogs personally I served me for improved the ability to work in English, because I had write in english every friday, and to use many word, and deal many diferent topic, in consequence I think that I improve.And in the future I would the topics were choose by the students, because sometimes the topic are tedious, however they are other that are very enternainig for example the topic "favorite food". 
Respect to the negative, is difficult to think about negative aspect, because always I have found it difficult english, but I have say the negative aspect, could be "the coment", because sometimes I had to do a lot, and sometimes I did not that writing my classmates. 
I would like to continue with my blogs, but this time to write more about sport and community, principally about "popular education", use the sport in the popular education. Also I never stop writing about what I feel, and what I see daily. 
In conclution to have blogs, is good experience :) 

Friday, June 20, 2014

In this moment I talk about 3 RS: Probably I have seen this imagen, but did not know what it mean. Now it means, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE. I think I do about this topic, principally today, because is a topic of  an  english class.
I know this topic is very important for the environment, because we need to take care of animals, plants, and our children. We need a environment with more and major terms. I very important for the health, an environment more clean and healthy.